The ministerial head anticipated a growth of the purple bloc in the Chamber of Deputies for the year 2025, pointing out that they will be one of the few spaces that will not lose legislators, which will make them the largest bloc. Although the government wishes to eliminate the PASO primaries, it acknowledges that there is currently not enough will in Congress to achieve this.
Amid interviews and political analysis, the possibility of an electoral alliance between the PRO and La Libertad Avanza was highlighted, with a common electorate, looking towards the 2025 legislative elections. Furthermore, it was mentioned that President Milei won the election with the explicit support of the PRO and Macri in the second electoral round.
The Chief of Cabinet expressed that the potential rejection of the 2025 Budget does not worry the Government, although he considers it would be a positive sign for the country if political actors can come to an agreement. He emphasized the importance of budget approval and the need to adhere to fiscal balance rules.
Regarding national universities, the idea of auditing them was emphasized, especially the National University of Buenos Aires, to ensure transparency in the use of resources. The Chief of Cabinet rejected the resistance of some institutions to be audited, mentioning that it is important to avoid political use of university expenses.
Finally, it was mentioned that no definitive decision has been made regarding the change in the Constitution of the province of Formosa and that there is interest in the return of Formula 1 to Argentina, although there is still no clear definition on this matter.