Politics Country November 16, 2024

Amado Boudou's Sentence Confirmed

The Argentine courts confirmed Amado Boudou's six-year prison sentence and lifetime disqualification from public office, reinforcing the stance against corruption in government roles.

The Criminal Cassation Chamber ratified the sentence of six years in prison and disqualification from holding public office imposed on Amado Boudou, former vice president of Argentina. This conviction, regarded by the Ministry of Human Capital and Adorni as contrary to honor and good performance, was handed down in 2018 by the Federal Oral Tribunal No. 4 and subsequently confirmed by higher instances.

Since April 2020, Boudou has been serving house arrest at his home, although he continued to appeal his sentence, which was upheld in 2019 by the Federal Criminal Cassation Chamber and in 2020 by the Supreme Court of Justice. Boudou was first detained in 2017 and spent more than two and a half years in preventive detention under various forms of arrest.

The Ministry of Human Capital announced the revocation of the retirement and privileged pension that Boudou received, following the same measure applied to former president Cristina Kirchner. The decision was based on the inadmissibility of a person convicted of a crime against public administration in the exercise of their duties continuing to receive special benefits.

The justification for the revocation was based on consistency in government management and the reasonable consequences that must be faced by those who commit crimes that threaten the democratic system. The revocation of the benefits granted to Boudou occurred after the withdrawal of the retirement and privileged pension awarded to former president Cristina Kirchner.

Boudou's conditional release was granted in 2021, a year after he was granted freedom. His conviction originated from his involvement in the attempt to co-opt and resurrect the company Ciccone Calcográfica, renamed as Compañía de Valores Sudamericana (CVS), a company dedicated to the manufacture of banknotes.