Crisis in Traditional Parties of Argentina

The political dynamic in Argentina is complicated by the confrontation between the Government and Justicialism, while new forces like Libertad Avanza emerge. This situation threatens to further fracture the unity of traditional parties, which could change the political landscape in the country.

Crisis in Traditional Parties of Argentina

Justicialism, until shortly before last year's elections, with expectations that its leader would be the next President, has undergone a sharp change. The figure of Cristina Kirchner, on one hand, generates controversy among governors, as some believe her presence hampers the party's renewal and prevents society from forgetting its discontent with the current administration.

On the other hand, President Milei faces a dilemma about whether to continue confronting Cristina or to allow her prominence to grow, which would pave the way for him to compete in the Province of Buenos Aires. Meanwhile, new political forces like Libertad Avanza are taking advantage of the crisis of traditional parties and gaining ground.

In this complex scenario, FARO emerges, a reflection group linked to mileismo, seeking to spread liberal ideas and gain influence in the cultural sphere. The Radical Party, for its part, faces internal tensions that have led to divisions throughout its extensive history.

The PJ, on the other hand, struggles with its future in a context of internal fragmentation, where Governor Axel Kicillof tends to rethink his strategies in the presence of Cristina. Meanwhile, Libertad Avanza, after achieving good results in the 2023 elections, seeks to establish itself as a viable political alternative.

Amid this volatile landscape, different political forces seek to position themselves strategically and adapt to constant changes, knowing that the key lies in staying united and generating proposals that connect with the citizenship.