Food Crisis in Argentina: Rising Prices

The report on food policies in Argentina reveals a 128% increase in consumer prices and a 16% decrease in food consumption. Food companies have seen profit increases of 1300% while families face shortages of basic products.

Food Crisis in Argentina: Rising Prices

Consumer food prices in Argentina have increased by 128%, affecting families' consumption capacity. It is highlighted that basic products like stew have seen a 151% increase, while mate with bread has risen by 147% in price.

Between November and July, there has been a 16% decrease in food consumption in supermarkets and an 11% decrease in wholesale self-service stores. A report conducted by the Center for Legal and Social Studies (CELS), the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, and the Regional and Territorial Studies Program (IGEO-UBA) reveals shocking details about food policies in the country.

In the midst of this situation, food companies have experienced a significant increase in their profits, reaching a 1300% increase between November 2023 and July 2024. This growth sharply contrasts with the decline in consumption and raises concerns about the deregulation policies implemented by the government.

The most affected sectors by this situation are beverages (-26%), dairy products (-12%), meats (-9%), fruits and vegetables (-7%), and pantry products (-6%). While families are reducing their consumption of these essential products, food companies and the export complex have seen an increase in their profits. Specifically, the grain export sector has been one of the biggest beneficiaries, with a 4900% increase.

The report highlights that, along with a favorable environment for large companies, deregulation has led to the dismantling of support programs for small producers, such as Pro Huerta, and the elimination of controls on prices and access to basic necessity products.