Politics Country January 22, 2025

Extraordinary Sessions Begin in Argentina

The Chief of Cabinet, Guillermo Francos, is initiating extraordinary sessions to engage legislative partners in discussions over priority projects, including electoral reform and court nominations.

Extraordinary Sessions Begin in Argentina

The Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, will begin the extraordinary sessions by meeting with the leaders of the allied blocks in the Chamber of Deputies and is preparing a meeting with Senate representatives for next week. The objective is to establish contacts with legislative partners to ensure the approval of the projects sent to Congress during the period that starts and ends on February 21.

Regarding the preparations for the meeting with the senators, some informal messages have been sent, although many of the key figures have not yet received a formal invitation. The intention is to take advantage of the last week of January to advance in the search for support. Francos will meet with the leaders of the Deputies' blocks, Cristián Ritondo (PRO) and Rodrigo De Loredo (UCR), to initiate the debate.

The invitation was also extended to Miguel Ángel Pichetto (Encuentro Federal) and Oscar Zago (MID), who preferred not to accept it. On the other hand, the Integration and Development Movement denied having been invited to the meeting, stating that they have not received a formal invitation yet.

Next week, it is expected that senators Juan Carlos Romero (Cambio Federal), Camau Espínola (Unidad Federal), Alejandro Vischi (UCR), Ezequiel Atauche (La Libertad Avanza), and possibly Lucila Crexell (Movimiento Neuquino) will attend Casa Rosada.

Regarding the PRO, the relationship with the Executive is managed by Luis Juez, although he has expressed his intention to join La Libertad Avanza. Furthermore, from the circle of the Senate president, Victoria Villarruel, it was reported that she was not called to participate in the meeting with the Chief of Staff.

Regarding the issues of interest to the Executive Branch, electoral reform and the elimination of the Primaries, Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Elections (PASO) are priorities, although the numbers for their elimination are not yet assured. Another relevant project is 'Ficha Limpia', and the Executive also seeks the approval of the proposals for judges Ariel Lijo and Manuel García Mansilla for the Supreme Court.

The agenda sent to Congress also includes the discussion of the Anti-Mafia Law, reforms to the Penal Code, such as the reiteration law and Trials in Absence, and the Compensation and Adjustment Index for Losses.