Lof Quemquemtrew Alert for Police Harassment

The Lof Quemquemtrew community expresses its concern over the increasing police presence in their territory, denouncing possible eviction and threats. They seek support and accompaniment in this critical situation.

Lof Quemquemtrew Alert for Police Harassment

The movement of indigenous women and diversities for good living issued a statement at the request of the Lof Quemquemtrew on Sunday, January 19, alerting about the continuous presence of the police in the area and requesting dissemination and support. Rumors have circulated about possible threats or irregular situations, causing the community to be on alert for potential provocations, especially after Patricia Bullrich's arrival in the region.

In an audio message, they stated: "We are in a complicated situation because the police are heavily posted outside the gate of the territory in a routine operation, identifying all the cars passing through the route." The Lof Quemquemtrew reclaimed the territory in September 2021, and in November of the same year, Elías Cayicol Garay was murdered by employees of a forestry businessman.

As of 10:30 AM on Monday, January 20, it was reported that more police were continuing to arrive, including from the Special Operations and Rescue Corps, to the reclaimed ancestral territory of the Lof Quemquemtrew. The community denounced police harassment and expressed their concern over a possible eviction.

Another part of the audio highlighted: "We noticed the intensified police presence and do not know why this situation exists, but the coincidence with Patricia Bullrich's arrival in the area alerts us." They also called for caution and support in this context of harassment, being on alert for any attempts at provocation in the territory.

The concern intensifies due to the presence of individuals linked to episodes of violence against the community, such as the murder of Elías Cayicol Garay. Emphasis is placed on maintaining calm and ensuring tranquility in a scenario of increasing police harassment, requesting support and dissemination to raise awareness of the situation and prevent violent situations in the territory.