Workers Demand Reinstatement at Shell Raizen

Workers in Dock Sud, Avellaneda, call for demonstration demanding reinstatement after illegal dismissals. They claim discrimination and their right to defend labor rights against Shell's practices.

Workers Demand Reinstatement at Shell Raizen

The workers of the Shell Raizen refinery report illegal, arbitrary, and discriminatory dismissals that they consider contrary to the Constitution. The company operates in Dock Sud through Raizen, of Brazilian origin, and according to the employees, cannot demonstrate economic crisis as they have multimillion-dollar profits. The dismissals affect both permanent and outsourced workers, who invite organizations, individuals, and the oil union to show solidarity and defend the dismissed workers.

In a statement, the workers express their desire to return to work given the difficult economic situation of the country. To demand the reinstatement of the dismissed workers, a rally is called for this Friday at 17:30 at Sargento Ponce and Génova, Dock Sud Avellaneda. The employees claim to receive support from their colleagues and denounce that the company seeks to encroach upon the current working conditions and request the union to intervene in their defense.

The dismissals have been made without a notified cause, according to the workers, who demand reinstatement and accuse Shell of discrimination and pollution at the distillery located in the Dock Sud Petrochemical Pole, one of the largest and most polluting in Argentina. The employees argue that they defend their rights to improve working conditions and demand union intervention.

In addition to the refinery in Avellaneda, Shell Raizen owns assets ranging from lubricant plants to gas stations. Among the dismissed are brigadiers who perform rescue functions in emergencies and fires. The workers also warn about pollution in the Petrochemical Pole and Villa Inflamable, with high levels of lead in water, air, and soil, severely affecting the health of workers and neighbors.

At tomorrow's rally, employees will demand the reinstatement of the dismissed and denounce the situation of discrimination, union democracy, and pollution by the company. The Villa Inflamable community suffers the effects of pollution, worsening health problems. The workers call for solidarity to show that the dismissals are unjustified and contrary to the law.