Politics Country November 16, 2024

Removal of Statues Sparks Controversy in Argentina

In Argentina, the removal of statues of Eva Perón and Néstor Kirchner from public buildings has ignited political tensions. The Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, announced reorganization measures to ensure neutrality in public spaces. This decision has been met with criticism from the Unión por la Patria party, highlighting the ongoing debates over political symbolism in public spaces.

Removal of Statues Sparks Controversy in Argentina

Last Friday, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, announced a process of reorganization of public spaces in Argentina. This included the removal of posters and photos of Eva Perón, as well as a bust of Néstor Kirchner from an ANSES branch. Although these actions were not officially referenced, Pettovello stated on social media that public buildings belong to all Argentines.

Following the removal of the bust of Néstor Kirchner from ANSES, the national deputy block of Unión por la Patria submitted a note to the Ministry of Human Capital requesting the custody of the sculpture. The block leader, Germán Martínez, directed the request to Minister Pettovello, mentioning that the block would take care of the transportation and care of the bust.

In this regard, Pettovello argued that these actions are carried out to ensure party neutrality and avoid political propaganda in public spaces, respecting the diversity of thoughts. It was also clarified that items that are not heritage or property of the State will be returned to their owners as long as they can prove ownership.

The removal of the Kirchner statue generated questions from the deputy block of Unión por la Patria, who submitted a note to the ministry. Additionally, there has been speculation that the iconic image of Evita's face would be removed from the Ministry of Social Development building on Avenida 9 de Julio, thus continuing the modifications in state spaces.

In this context, it has been confirmed that the bust of Kirchner was removed from the ANSES headquarters in Paseo Colón, and it is expected that "de-kirchnerization" actions in the State will continue. The changes introduced by the Ministry of Human Capital have generated mixed reactions in public opinion, being celebrated by some and questioned by others.