Politics Country October 28, 2024

Potential Alliance Between Libertad Avanza and PRO

Martín Menem and Cristian Ritondo discuss the possibility of La Libertad Avanza forming an alliance with PRO for the 2025 Legislative Elections against Kirchnerismo. They emphasize shared ideological goals and collaboration in Congress.

Potential Alliance Between Libertad Avanza and PRO

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Martín Menem, and the head of the PRO bloc, Cristian Ritondo, have expressed the possibility that La Libertad Avanza and the space founded by Mauricio Macri will form an alliance in the 2025 Legislative Elections to defeat kirchnerism.

In a recent statement, Martín Menem and Cristian Ritondo highlighted the close relationship and ideological agreement between both spaces, stating that they are close to formalizing an alliance. Menem said: "We are close to dating with the PRO. We are very close."

Ritondo, for his part, praised Milei, leader of La Libertad Avanza, highlighting his political influence despite lacking a solid party structure. This possible alliance is based on their ideological and strategic similarities for the future of the country.

Despite this close cooperation, it was emphasized that La Libertad Avanza will maintain its party identity, ruling out mergers for the moment. They project to continue collaborating with the ruling party and promoting a budgetary balance approach and openness to the private sector to foster investment.

In another context, Martín Menem mentioned the close relationship that has been established with the "wig-wearing radicals," referring to UCR legislators who supported the economic decisions of the ruling party. The breakup in the UCR bloc in the Lower House was also addressed, marking differences in stance regarding key legislation.

The upcoming official recognition of La Libertad Avanza as a national party was highlighted as an important milestone by those involved, emphasizing the joint work on shared bills in Congress. The possibility of this political alliance promises to be a relevant factor in the political landscape ahead of the upcoming legislative elections.