Suspensión Temporal del Jardín Maternal del Senado

La vicepresidenta Victoria Villarruel ha suspendido temporalmente la actividad en el jardín maternal del Senado debido a irregularidades estructurales que ponen en riesgo la seguridad de los niños y el personal. Se otorgará licencia especial a los padres hasta el 31 de diciembre.

Suspensión Temporal del Jardín Maternal del Senado

The Vice President and Head of the Senate, Victoria Villarruel, has signed a provision that orders the temporary suspension of activities at the maternal garden of the upper chamber due to structural irregularities that pose a risk to the lives of children and staff, according to the official resolution. Villarruel relied on a report from the Directorate of Works and Maintenance, accompanied by inspection records from the General Directorate of Oversight and Control of Works of the Government Control Agency of the City Government.

Among the irregularities supporting this decision are deficiencies in fire safety installations, non-compliance with the Self-Protection Plan, and the need to separate the functions of the different uses in the shared building. As part of the provision, Villarruel granted a special license until December 31 of this year to the 72 parents of the minors attending the garden.

The next stage will be handled by the General Directorate of Administration of the Senate with the aim of remedying the deficiencies of the site, which was inaugurated by former Kirchnerist Vice President Amado Boudou. The "Forest Garden" was established in 1996, a year later it was established that a percentage of the salaries of employees who enrolled their children in the institution would be deducted, but last year, before former President Cristina Kirchner left the Senate, this regulation was eliminated, and since then, the total expense has fallen on the Senate's budget.