AOG Patagonia 2024: Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Industry

AOG Patagonia 2024 brought together more than 335 companies, addressing the need for environmental regulations and better infrastructure for Argentina's hydrocarbon sector.

AOG Patagonia 2024: Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Industry

The Business Rounds facilitated more than 1,500 meetings between 25 buyers and 200 suppliers, consolidating the event as a benchmark in the hydrocarbon sector. However, it also left an ambiguous feeling: strong signals of confidence for the growth of Vaca Muerta, but also significant doubts about the present and future of the industry.

The negative image unfairly falls on waste treatment companies, when in reality, oil operators are legally responsible for waste until its final disposal. The lack of agreements between operators and treatment companies reflects an underlying problem that few publicly admit: disagreements over conditions and prices for treatment. Higher production leads to a greater generation of waste, and the capacity for treatment and remediation is not up to this demand.

Former governor Jorge Sapag emphasized the importance of provinces like Neuquén and Río Negro advancing in the establishment of policies aimed at fostering industries that add value to oil and gas in the medium term, rather than merely exporting raw materials. This strategy would not only diversify the regional economy but also prepare the provinces for a future where the relevance of fossil fuels could diminish.

AOG Patagonia 2024 confirmed that the Argentine energy industry is at a decisive moment, with enormous opportunities but also crucial challenges. Operators do not seem in a hurry to ensure adequate management capacity, revealing a concerning disconnect in the production chain. This decoupling between operators and treatment companies is partly due to the need to update environmental regulations.

Over three days at the DUAM Space, the event brought together the entire industry, with filled auditoriums and crowded halls. Over time, the city grew without planning, and families began to settle near the industrial park. Furthermore, industrialization at the source is shaping up as a pathway to ensure more sustainable and diversified development, but this will require vision, political will, and concrete actions. This disorder highlights the urgent need for clear and efficient public policies for the sustainable development of the industry in Vaca Muerta.

Infrastructure was another central theme of the event. This poses a serious problem both in the short and long term. The complexity of environmental management for treatment companies like Comarsa, which was one of the first with advanced technology, exemplifies the challenges of environmental management. Current regulations were designed in the early days of Vaca Muerta and today do not keep pace with the current rate of production.

The announced paving works for key roads still require financing, and the installation of smart tolls raises concerns about their potential impact on logistical costs. Companies participating in AOG 2024 emphasized the need to lift the dollar clamp for the Large Investment Incentive Regime to be effective.

After years of criticism for pollution and a criminal case against it, the Environmental Secretary of Neuquén finally enabled the waste relocation plan for a company, after a delay of more than six months since the agreement. Beyond the challenges, the event highlighted urgent issues that remain unresolved and the need for effective coordination among actors in the energy sector. Coordination among the government, companies, and society will be fundamental for the future success of the sector.