YPF, Tecpetrol and Shell promote Vaca Muerta

The companies YPF, Tecpetrol, and Shell Argentina signed an agreement to develop the value chain of Vaca Muerta, aiming to increase productivity and competitiveness.

YPF, Tecpetrol and Shell promote Vaca Muerta

YPF, Tecpetrol, and Shell Argentina announced the launch of the Development Table called 'Value Networks.' The project aims to develop Vaca Muerta. It is proposed that the agreements create a framework for cooperation to coordinate and implement important measures for the development of Vaca Muerta.

"We strive to ensure the active participation of the entire value chain in adding value to this region and its surroundings, always adhering to safety, health, environmental protection standards, quality, and technological requirements, as presented by participating companies," noted representatives of the companies in a statement.

The act of creation was signed by Horacio Marín, Ricardo Marcus, and Germán Burmeister in the presence of governors Rolando Figeroa and Alberto Veretilnik during the AOG Patagonia 2024 event.

"We need suppliers who will become strategic partners for our 4x4 plan, which will become the growth platform for the entire industry," emphasized the president and general director of YPF, Horacio Marín.

As part of this agreement, companies will invest resources and determine responsible persons to monitor and support initiatives arising from joint work. The Table will aim to increase productivity, competitiveness, capabilities, quality, and the yield of the Vaca Muerta value chain.

"This partnership agreement is a significant step in our long-term commitment to accelerate growth and strengthen small and medium enterprises and local businesses through our supplier development program," commented Shell Argentina president Germán Burmeister.

The joint group of three companies will work on increasing productivity, competitiveness, capabilities, quality, and the yield of the Vaca Muerta value chain. The establishment of the network was announced at the AOG Patagonia 2024 under the support of governors Neuquén and Río Negro.

"We consider it important to support our local suppliers, and especially to this end, being part of the Techint group, we have been implementing our ProPymes program for over 20 years," stated Tecpetrol general director Ricardo Marcus.