Delayed Salary Increase for Domestic Workers

The agreement for a salary increase for domestic workers in Argentina did not materialize in the meeting on January 23. Salaries will remain unchanged in February 2024.

Delayed Salary Increase for Domestic Workers

The salary increase for domestic workers in Argentina came into effect in September 2020, with an additional 30% for workers in regions considered unfavorable, such as Tierra del Fuego, Santa Cruz, Río Negro, and Patagonia in general.

After a meeting between the parties involved, a recess was agreed upon until February 3. In February 2024, domestic workers will be paid according to the scales in effect in September and October of the previous year, with increases of 3.2% and 2.8% respectively.

Salaries for categories of domestic workers vary according to tasks and modalities. For example, the minimum monthly salary for the category of general tasks with residence is $340,935.17, while the hourly rate for this category is $2,780.

In February 2024, no salary increases for domestic workers are anticipated. The amounts established by law 26,844 must be supplemented with mandatory employer contributions, such as seniority, retirement, and health insurance.

In addition to the basic salary, registered domestic workers are entitled to two additional payments: one for seniority, which grants 1% of salary for each year worked in the same position. However, no agreement was reached in the latest negotiation between unions and employer representatives.

The National Commission of Domestic Workers (CNTCP) has not determined a new salary increase, and until the agreed date to discuss a new collective bargaining agreement, salaries will remain as previously established. The first meeting regarding this took place on January 23.