Caputo Supports Calls for Tax Reductions

The Economy Minister, Luis Caputo, backed an entrepreneur's call for provinces and municipalities to consider tax cuts, emphasizing the need for private sectors to demand reforms.

Caputo Supports Calls for Tax Reductions

The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, supported the statements of a business leader who urged provinces and municipalities to consider tax reduction plans. Caputo mentioned: "It is important for the private sector to finally start demanding that provinces and municipalities join the effort being made by the Nation."

These statements arose from comments made by Ford's president, Martín Galdeano, who expressed during an interview that "Argentina has improved in national taxes, but has worsened in provincial and municipal taxes."

Minister Caputo emphasized his opinion on the tax burden that provinces and municipalities are imposing, expressing his dissatisfaction with the current situation in an extensive message published on his social media.

In this context, Caputo supports the idea that a joint effort between the national government, provinces, municipalities, and the private sector is necessary to achieve significant improvement in the tax area and promote favorable conditions for the country's economic development.