Sexual scandal in the government of Javier Milei

Ángel De Brito asserted that Viviana Canosa revealed a sexual scandal involving a high-ranking official in the government of Javier Milei, with compromising videos.

Sexual scandal in the government of Javier Milei

On the LAM program, host Ángel De Brito revealed that Viviana Canosa confessed to Yanina Latorre that a sexual scandal involving a prominent member of Javier Milei's government is looming. According to De Brito, Canosa mentioned having seen compromising videos of a key official of Milei, describing them as more shocking than those already circulated of Alberto Fernández and Tamara Petinatto.

"In the videos, a man, who would be this important official, can be seen masturbating on Zoom, and now the girl is reporting it," remarked Yanina Latorre on the program. On numerous occasions, the host of LAM clarified that it was not a new video of Alberto Fernández, but involved someone currently in the government.