Debate on DNU and Budget 2025 in Argentina

The government faces opposition in Congress regarding the repeal of the DNU. Opponents seek to change the law on DNU, which impacts debt and budget negotiations. The special session could define the economic future of the country.

Debate on DNU and Budget 2025 in Argentina

The opposing blocs Encuentro Federal, Unión por la Patria (UxP), and Democracia para Siempre are looking to reform the DNU law and repeal the debt swap decree. They expect to gather the 129 necessary deputies to enable the debate in a special session scheduled for tomorrow at 3 PM.

Sources from these blocs claim to have between 132 and 135 votes in favor, which would allow them to approve the majority ruling. Additionally, they are confident in having the votes to repeal decree 846/24, which allows for restructuring the debt without following the requirements of the Financial Administration law.

The PRO has decided not to form a quorum for the special session, citing concerns about governability. However, two Larreta deputies will break away from this strategy. As for the UCR, they are evaluating their stance, and some radicals may join the vote with the ruling party.

From the Government, they remain hopeful of preventing the repeal of the debt swap being addressed, arguing that it is crucial for the country's financial negotiations. Meanwhile, the La Libertad Avanza bloc warns that the downfall of the decree would harm the negotiation of changes in the 2025 Budget and would affect the provinces.

The special session will include the consideration of the reform of the DNU law and the repeal of the debt swap decree. Leftist legislators have requested to also include decree 70/2023, but they have not yet received a response.

The ruling party maintains that governors support the debt swap decree as they consider it fundamental for the Government's financial strategy. Amid tensions and negotiations, the session promises to be intense and decisive for the economic future of the country.