Resignation of Constanza Cassino Over Controversial Purchase

Sandra Pettovello requested the resignation of Constanza Cassino after a scandal involving a $1.9 million coffee machine purchase. The incident has sparked public outrage and discussion about government spending.

Resignation of Constanza Cassino Over Controversial Purchase

After becoming aware of the situation with the coffee maker that generated controversy, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, requested the resignation of Constanza Cassino, Undersecretary of Administrative Management of the Secretary of Childhood and Family. This decision was made after the payment of $1,917,000 was ordered for the aforementioned appliance.

Cassino submitted her resignation following the Minister's request, who questioned the purchase of a coffee maker for almost 2 million pesos. The controversy became public following a message from the leader of the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE), Juan Grabois, which pointed out the alleged privileges of Pettovello regarding expenses related to the coffee maker and catering.

The resignation document from Cassino states her resignation effective October 31, 2024, from her position as Undersecretary of Administrative Management of Childhood, Adolescence, and Family of the National Secretariat of Childhood, Adolescence, and Family. Pettovello, for her part, clarified that the questioned purchase does not represent a significant expense for the ministry and is part of the policy to reduce what are considered unnecessary expenses.