Politics Country October 21, 2024

New Rankings of Mayors in Greater Buenos Aires

A recent survey by CB Consultora Opinion Public highlighted the approval ratings of mayors in Greater Buenos Aires, revealing a mix of strong and weak leaders among the 24 municipalities evaluated.

New Rankings of Mayors in Greater Buenos Aires

The ranking of mayors from the Buenos Aires Conurbano conducted by the consultancy CB reveals that Fernando Gray from Esteban Echeverría tops the list with a 69.1% approval rating. In the following positions are Leonardo Nardini from Malvinas Argentinas, Julio Zamora from Tigre, and Juan Andreotti from San Fernando. Among the Juntos por el Cambio leaders who stand out are Diego Valenzuela from Tres de Febrero, Jaime Méndez from San Miguel, and Soledad Martínez from Vicente López.

On the other hand, at the bottom of the table are Julián Álvarez from Lanús, Mario Ishii from José C. Paz, and Fernando Espinoza from La Matanza, who have lower approval ratings. Furthermore, the predominant presence of Peronist mayors among the highest-ranked is noteworthy, with Máximo Kirchner facing a more difficult position in the ranking.

The survey was conducted between October 14 and 18, interviewing between 578 and 705 residents of each evaluated municipality, reflecting that 14 of the 24 mayors received a positive rating. It is worth mentioning that the study conducted by CB Consultora Opinión Pública highlights local leaders over national leaders, presenting Máximo Kirchner at the top of the list with significant community support.