Revelations about paternity on a TV show

In a curious episode of Ángel de Brito's show, a young man claims to be his son and requests a DNA test. The situation generated laughter among the panelists and the audience.

Revelations about paternity on a TV show

A young man claimed live on Ángel de Brito's streaming show that he is his son and accused him of abandonment. The young man stated that his mother is sure that De Brito is his father and wondered why he had never taken care of him. Additionally, he requested that he buy him everything he asks for. The journalist, maintaining an ironic tone, responded jokingly: 'Why did you abandon us?'

The segment 'Ángel Responds' was the space where this peculiar situation was revealed. Among the messages that arrive at the program via WhatsApp, the claims of De Brito's alleged son were read, who insisted he was very intelligent after scoring all tens the previous year. The culmination of the complaint coincided with the idea of going on Karina Mazzocco's program to clarify the matter and determine the true identity and age of the supposed son.

Amid the laughter of the panelists and the audience, the requests continued to come in through messages, where the possibility of taking a DNA test to verify Ángel de Brito's paternity was even mentioned. However, the journalist chose to keep the atmosphere light and take the accusations with humor, without giving them much importance.