New Fence Construction in Aguas Blancas to Secure Border

In Aguas Blancas, Argentina, a new wire fence will be built along the Bolivian border to prevent illegal crossings and smuggling. This initiative is part of the Güemes Plan led by the Ministry of Security, enhancing border control measures. The project is intended to clearly define access to migration offices and discourage unauthorized crossings.

In the locality of Aguas Blancas in Salta, the construction of a wire fence along the border with Bolivia will take place with the purpose of stopping the illegal passage of people and smuggling. This measure is part of the Güemes Plan of the Ministry of Security headed by Patricia Bullrich, aimed at reinforcing the northern borders.

According to a report from the newspaper El Tribuno, a call has been launched to install an Olympic wire fence along the 200 meters that separate the bus terminal from the local Migration office. Virginia Cornejo, National Director of Surveillance and Control of Borders from the Ministry of Security, indicated that strict controls have been established on the Bolivian side, while on the Argentine side there was no clear demarcation.

Since last December, personnel from federal forces have been deployed in Aguas Blancas to strengthen surveillance in the area. The main purpose of this initiative is to mandate people to pass through the Migration office. According to Adrián Zigarín, the interventor of Aguas Blancas, the fence will be part of the preventive wall used during periods of flooding of the Bermejo River, delimiting access to migrations and preventing people from crossing through uncontrolled points.

The work will be financed by the province of Salta under the supervision of the National Government, due to the verification of numerous cases of illegal crossings in the area. In Zigarín's words, Aguas Blancas had been a meeting and transit point for many individuals, where they illegally crossed to the rafts on the Bermejo River.