Argentina Receives Extension for Aviation Safety

The FAA has granted an extension to Argentina until the end of the year to address safety compliance deficiencies in its aviation system. This extension allows the ANAC to maintain its Category 1 status.

Argentina Receives Extension for Aviation Safety

The National Administration of Civil Aviation of Argentina obtained an extension from the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States until the end of the year to correct the pending observations and maintain its Category 1 in operational safety.

In 2022, the International Civil Aviation Organization audited ANAC, finding a compliance level of 60.47% with international standards. Two specific areas, "Civil Aviation Organization" and "Operations," received even lower scores of 41.67% and 37.29% respectively.

The FAA requested an additional inspection in April of this year, identifying 82 observations to correct, mainly in airworthiness, operations, and licensing. These corrections are crucial to maintain Category 1 in Operational Safety and not affect air operations with the United States.

ANAC received representatives from the FAA as part of the International Aviation Safety Assessment Program, where the technical advancements made since the intervention in July of this year were acknowledged. The FAA praised the progress achieved and granted a new deadline to submit the pending corrections.

The Argentine government highlighted that since the intervention, 92% of the observations have been resolved, addressing 75 of the 82 notified, with only 7 still in the process of resolution. The current management has worked hard to correct the inherited deficiencies and ensure operational safety in the Argentine aeronautical system.