Government Meetings with Private Health Companies

The Argentine government is in negotiations with private health companies to reduce the increase in monthly fees. The Superintendent of Health Services, Gabriel Oriolo, met with representatives from various companies, seeking an understanding following last year's conflict.

Government Meetings with Private Health Companies

The Argentine government is holding meetings with executives from prepaid medical companies to persuade them to reduce the increase in monthly fees. In this context, the Superintendent of Health Services, Gabriel Oriolo, has met with representatives from major companies in the sector, such as Swiss Medical, Omint, Medifé, Medicus, Sancor Salud, as well as institutions like Osde, Hospital Italiano, Hospital Británico, and Hospital Alemán.

In an attempt to address the conflict that arose in early 2024 due to the fee increases, the government has resumed dialogue with Claudio Belocopitt, president of Swiss Medical and the Argentine Health Union (UAS), which encompasses the majority of private health companies. Although the government has emphasized that a "good dialogue" has been maintained with business representatives, some of them have been unable to guarantee that they can reduce the fees as expected.

The government expects that the new inflation index will be published on February 13 by the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (Indec). Following this publication, it is established that prepaid medical companies must communicate the cost of the fees to both the Superintendency of Health Services and their clients within a maximum of five days.

The government estimates that companies in the sector could reduce their costs, partly due to the end of the payment triangulation, a mechanism that absorbed around $3 trillion annually, equivalent to $252 billion monthly.