New Pension Regime in Argentina

The Argentine government is reviewing the pension regime that will affect various labor groups, including workers in unhealthy environments and health professionals. The new measures could change the ages and requirements for retirement.

New Pension Regime in Argentina

There are different categories that allow certain professionals to access the Early Retirement Possibility (PUAM) in Argentina. One of them is the category of Unhealthy Environments, which includes workers who have operated in places considered unhealthy by the competent national authority in Decree 4257/68 and Decree 121/77. In this category, men must be at least 55 years old and women at least 52 years old, with a minimum of 25 years of contributions if working in a dependent relationship, while self-employed individuals must be 60 years old and have at least 30 years of service.

Another category is Waste Collectors, which includes professionals dedicated to this work, who must be 55 years old and have a minimum of 25 years of service. Meanwhile, the Healthcare Personnel category encompasses those who have had direct contact with patients in various medical establishments. In this case, women can retire at 52 years old and men at 55 years old, provided they have at least 30 years of contributions.

Additionally, there is the category of Railway Workers, which covers those workers who have performed tasks related to the railway, such as locomotive engineers, firemen, switchmen, foremen, among others. In this case, men must be at least 55 years old and women at least 52 years old, with a minimum of 30 years of service for self-employed individuals.

On the other hand, Cargo Transport Personnel, referring to those who drive cargo transport vehicles, can also access this early retirement possibility. Furthermore, specific requirements are established for other professions such as Transporters and Metallurgists, who must meet certain conditions to be able to retire before the established age.

In summary, there are various categories of professionals in Argentina who can access the Early Retirement Possibility depending on their work activity, age, and years of service, always under the regulations established by the National Social Security Administration (ANSES).