Argentina Breaks Monopoly on License Plate Production

The Justice Minister Mariano Cúneo Libarona celebrates the end of the Casa de la Moneda's monopoly on license plate and document production, saving the state over 3 billion pesos.

Argentina Breaks Monopoly on License Plate Production

The Minister of Justice, Mariano Cáneo Libarona, celebrated today the end of the "monopoly" of the Mint in the production of license plates and identity cards. He highlighted that thanks to the bidding carried out for private companies, the State achieved savings of more than 3 billion pesos.

In the first bidding, a total quarterly savings of $3,101,997,610 was reached, as detailed by Cáneo Libarona. Last October, the Government had announced the dissolution of the former Ciccone Calcográfica and the restructuring of the Mint.

Manuel Adorni, the presidential spokesperson, described the Mint as "a state printing house with severe inefficiencies" responsible for printing banknotes, passports, car licenses, and stamps. At that time, the spokesperson communicated: "The National Government will proceed with the dissolution of the South American Securities Company, the former Ciccone Calcográfica, known for one of the largest corruption cases in recent decades."

The minister expressed that this change guarantees better quality products, at lower prices and with shorter wait times. He pointed out that the political caste in the Mint used to interrupt the production of license plates and identity cards to maintain their privileges, and to break this monopoly, a system of open bidding was implemented for any company interested in providing these services.