Approval of the Neuquén Norte Transformer Station Expansion

The ENRE approved the installation of new transformers at the Neuquén Norte Transformer Station, supporting the electrical energy transport system in the region.

Approval of the Neuquén Norte Transformer Station Expansion

The Neuquén Norte Transformer Station will install two transformers 132/33/13.2 kV 45/45/30 MVA, as well as two longitudinal coupling busbars at 13.2 and 33 kV, four output fields at 33 kV, and another four at 13.2 kV. The National Electricity Regulatory Agency (ENRE) approved the expansion required for these facilities, as well as the issuance of the corresponding Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity.

In line with the corresponding dissemination, and due to the expiration of the established deadline for submitting observations, oppositions, and/or alternative projects according to Resolution No. 699/2024, ENRE authorized the expansion of the electricity transmission system presented by the Provincial Energy Agency of Neuquén (EPEN) at the request of the Provincial Cooperative of Public and Community Services of the province (CALF).

According to ENRE Note No. 125727894/2024, the works framing this expansion were previously approved by the former National Ministry of Energy under Resolution SE No. 1/2003 and were not included under Resolution ENRE No. 356/2011. The companies responsible for these installations must fully comply with articles 2 and 6 of the mentioned regulation to ensure their proper execution and operation.