Javier Milei Criticizes Past Governments in Córdoba

During the 47th anniversary of the Fundación Mediterránea, President Javier Milei addressed economic challenges and criticized predecessors, emphasizing structural reforms and competition among currencies.

Javier Milei Criticizes Past Governments in Córdoba

On the 47th anniversary of the Mediterranean Foundation, a circle of entrepreneurs gathered and received a visit from the president, who expressed his closeness to the place by saying: "In few places do I feel as local as here." The president began a review of the inherited economic situation and criticized his predecessor, stating that "he fled power six months early" and that his administration left social indicators worse than those of December 2001.

In his statements, the president mentioned the collapse of convertibility and the coup promoted by Eduardo Duhalde and Raúl Alfonsín, whom he labeled a supporter of a coup despite being considered the father of democracy. Furthermore, he pointed out previous measures, such as the pesification of debts to Clarín, which he claimed portrayed him as a hero.

The president also distanced himself from his vice president's praises for former president María Estela Martínez de Perón, whom he described as having an "awful" administration. From Córdoba, the president referred to the transition period between the death of Juan Domingo Perón and the military coup, mentioning the violence displayed by groups like the Triple A and the rise in inflation and poverty.

Highlighting the work of several ministers in his government, the president stated that they make up "the best government in history" and defended the implementation of structural reforms. He also referred to currency competition and spoke about the possibility of a "de facto dollarization" to eradicate the problematic history of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.

To conclude his speech, the president promised free competition of currencies and a focus on a budget with zero deficit, challenging lawmakers to be clear about the necessary cuts to maintain economic stability. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of allowing transactions in different currencies and criticized Raúl Alfonsín in the context of the Day of the Recovery of Democracy, highlighting the electoral victory that ended the last military dictatorship.