Sport Country October 27, 2024

Franco Colapinto Introduces Mate to Alex Albon

Franco Colapinto shares the Argentine tradition of mate with Alex Albon in a humorous post on Williams Racing's account. Albon learns the rules of enjoying the drink and concludes, 'it's not bad.'

Franco Colapinto Introduces Mate to Alex Albon

The Williams Racing team published a curious video in which Argentine driver Franco Colapinto prepared a mate for Thai driver Alex Albon. In the recording, Colapinto taught Albon an Argentine custom that the latter was completely unaware of.

"This is your turn, you can't change the bombilla. Don't move it, that (the bombilla) shouldn't be touched, you just have to drink," explained Franco Colapinto to Alex Albon in the video posted on Williams Racing's official account.

At the end of the video, Alex Albon shared his opinion on the mate prepared by Colapinto: "it's not bad".

This fun interaction between the Williams Racing drivers showcases a pleasant and close moment between them, where Argentine culture intersects with Thai culture around the tradition of mate.