Duki and Emilia Mernes: Separation and Reconciliation Rumors

The drama between Duki and Emilia Mernes captured fans' attention after rumors of infidelity. However, a recent photo in Miami suggests a reconciliation.

Duki and Emilia Mernes: Separation and Reconciliation Rumors

Last week, Duki and Emilia Mernes were trending due to rumors of infidelity and separation. Ángel de Brito commented that the couple was separated, especially after details about an alleged infidelity by the rapper were leaked.

The scandal escalated when compromising chats sent by Duki while he was still in a relationship with Emilia were revealed. However, the situation took an unexpected turn this Sunday when a photo of the couple in Miami was leaked, showing them together and happy.

This image taken in Miami, where Duki and Mernes appear smiling, has sparked speculation about the state of their relationship. Despite the initial rumors of separation, the image suggests that things could be well between them.