Zama: Reflections on Bureaucracy and Power

The film 'Zama', directed by Lucrecia Martel, follows the existential crisis of a Spanish official in the 18th century, trapped by bureaucracy in a remote colony.

Zama: Reflections on Bureaucracy and Power

Zama, obsessed with moving to Buenos Aires, finds himself trapped in absurd and bureaucratic situations that keep him stuck in his position, plunging him into a deep existential crisis. The main cast includes Daniel Giménez Cacho as Zama, Lola Dueñas as Luciana Piñares de Luenga, Matheus Nachtergaele as Vicuña Porto, Juan Minujín as Ventura Prieto, and Nahuel Cano as Fernández.

The oppressive atmosphere of the film reflects Zama's stagnation and frustration, while the slow and measured pace allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the psychology of the characters. The captured natural landscapes contrast with the decay of colonial society, and the photography and sound play a crucial role in conveying a sense of isolation.

Zama is a cinematic work that defies commercial conventions, offering a unique visual and auditory experience, raising questions about power, bureaucracy, and the human condition. Daniel Giménez Cacho's performance as Zama is moving and complex.

Directed by Lucrecia Martel and based on the novel by Antonio Di Benedetto, Zama is a cinematic gem in the Netflix catalog. Immersing the viewer in an atmospheric and slow-paced universe, the film explores themes such as bureaucracy, waiting, frustration, and the decline of the Spanish Empire in South America.

The plot follows Don Diego de Zama, a Spanish official stationed in a remote colony in the 18th century, showing his quest to transfer to Buenos Aires while being immersed in situations that challenge his perception of life and his place in the world.