Cristina Kirchner Defends Peronism at Militancy Day Event

Cristina Kirchner led the Peronist Militancy Day in Santiago del Estero, defending her record and criticizing current president Javier Milei's policies. She urged unity among all political sectors.

Cristina Kirchner Defends Peronism at Militancy Day Event

Former president Cristina Kirchner led the event for the Day of Peronist Militancy in Santiago del Estero, reaffirming her commitment and love for the homeland. In her speech, she mentioned that she was willing to pay the punishment being imposed on her and emphasized that she would not regret her actions.

During the celebration, various officials, senators, and local militant organizations were present. Kirchner highlighted the importance of all Argentinians being able to aspire to home ownership and other goods, maintaining her stance in defense of policies that benefit the country as a whole.

In her interventions, she also referred to the national political situation, criticizing President Javier Milei and negatively comparing him to the elected president of the United States. Additionally, she stressed the need to strengthen key institutions such as CONICET and the National Atomic Energy Commission.

Kirchner called for the unity of militants from different parties and sectors in a collective effort for national progress. She emphasized the importance of building a strong state that integrates all sectors and allows for the reintegration of those who have been marginalized.

Regarding the host province of the event, she highlighted its positive economic and social development, being an example for the country. Kirchner referred to the importance of remembering political figures like Juan Domingo Perón and Raúl Alfonsín, highlighting both their successes and failures in nation-building.

Furthermore, she pointed out the need to diversify the country's economy beyond the agro-export sector, underscoring the relevance of strengthening sectors such as science and technology. Ultimately, Cristina Kirchner's speech on the Day of Peronist Militancy was a call for unity and commitment to the well-being of all Argentinians.