The president of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto, expressed her appreciation for both former president Cristina Kirchner and the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof. During an event organized by her entity, Carlotto emphasized that hearing shouts of "Cristina President" bothered her, as she considered the gathering to not be political, but in honor of human rights.
Carlotto described the reunion between Cristina Kirchner and Axel Kicillof as cold and lacking dialogue. According to her testimony, during the event in La Plata, both leaders were seated in the front row next to her and did not exchange words. Despite this, the human rights advocate highlighted that there was mutual respect between them.
The president of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo pointed out the importance of maintaining focus on the memory of what happened and preventing the repetition of human rights violations. Carlotto stressed that the commemorative event for the 47 years of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo was not the place for political expressions, but to remember and honor the victims.
The event at the Teatro Argentino in La Plata marked the first time that Cristina Kirchner and Axel Kicillof met after the former president confirmed her intention to lead the Justicialist Party. Despite the evident lack of dialogue between the two leaders, Carlotto underscored her respect for them and her perception that it was more of a formal meeting than personal interactions.