Updates on the disappearance case of Loan

The lawyer for Loan's family announced that the case is almost completely reconstructed, with new evidence requested and a focus on the detainees involved in their disappearance.

Updates on the disappearance case of Loan

The family's lawyer for Loan, Juan Pablo Gallego, confirmed that they already have "98% of the case reconstructed" and emphasized that they requested new examinations of the van belonging to the detained Carlos Pérez and Victoria Caillava. More than seven months after the disappearance of the child in Corrientes, the lawyer revealed that the remaining percentage is known only to Pérez and Caillava.

In an interview, Gallego mentioned that Judge Cristina Pozzer Penso shares a vision similar to his regarding what happened to the child on June 13. He described the role of each of those involved in the case, assigning specific roles to each of the seven detainees.

In particular, he pointed out that Pérez and Caillava played a significant role in Loan's disappearance. Gallego expressed that finding the truth would not only provide peace to the family but could also result in harsher sentences, including the possibility of life imprisonment for the former military personnel.

The lawyer also indicated that new examinations of Caillava and Pérez's van have been requested in order to collect more evidence for the case. Gallego highlighted that, once the indictments are confirmed, the case could move to oral trial, and he hopes that none of the detainees receive less than 12 years' imprisonment.

Amid the investigations, the goal of clarifying Loan's whereabouts persists, with a particular focus on Pérez as a central figure in the incident, according to Gallego.