Announcement of new investments in security in Buenos Aires

The head of Government of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, will announce new investments in security in response to recent prison escapes. The announcement will take place at the Urban Monitoring Center.

Announcement of new investments in security in Buenos Aires

The head of the Buenos Aires government, Jorge Macri, is set to announce new investments tomorrow to reinforce security in the district, in response to criticism from the opposition following the second prison break in the Caballito neighborhood. The statement issued by the City Government indicates that the measures will be announced in a press conference at 7:45 AM at the Urban Monitoring Center, located in Chacarita.

During the announcement, details about the allocation of funds and new strategies to strengthen security in the city are expected to be revealed, especially after the prison breaks in the neighborhoods of Liniers and Caballito. The most recent escape occurred on February 9, when six inmates escaped from the 6A Police Station after overpowering the police personnel. Two of the fugitives were quickly recaptured, while the other four fled in a taxi to Lanús, in the province of Buenos Aires.

The incident in Caballito was not the only one, as on December 24, 17 inmates made a hole to escape in the Liniers neighborhood. These events have generated a series of questions between the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, and the former Buenos Aires mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, regarding responsibility for security in the city's prisons.